The two story warehouse located on South Ashley Street is the location of a home and garden store. The exterior structure walls are made up of brick with two large windows on the front of the building and a few windows spread around. There is a greenhouse attached to the side and three garage doors located at the front and the sides of the building forming a T shape.

The interior of the building is an open plan with a small wooden room off to the side which leads to the building next door. There is a staircase next to the wood room leading to the upper level. Wood support beams run the length of the structure held up by wood columns. The interior wall is a mix of cinder block and brick. The floor at the front of the structure is cement and at the back of the structure is old hardwood floors.

The building is laid out in this diagram as a kit of parts, including the wood support columns, wood beams, industrial light, heat lamp, three sets of different windows, a french door, garage door, and a control box.

The ANT map focuses on home and wellness stuff. It takes a deep dive looking into the social and economical interactions in both sectors and how they overlap. Looking at wellness not only as self care but also maintenance of the home, it examines how being financially secure and the income gap can have a large effect on access to mental wellness. Wellness and home materials are luxury items. Higher quality versions are often only accessible to wealthy partakers. Affordable versions of these wellness products are often cheaply made and quickly fill up landfills because of this. Corporations have picked up on the trend of wellness and try to utilise it to encourage their workers to stay healthy to cut back on health insurance expenses.

Wellness and Home stuff are the two content subjects included in the diagram. Arranged within the space by staging and slicing. There are four spaces created by slicing the original building dividing the space. The second floor of the original building was taken out in the process. The content has been arranged in various staged environments showing different aspects of Wellness and Home Stuff. The overall concept was focused on the inequalities found with the items and they are displayed in an interactive stage so one can move throughout the space.

The first exhibit features a yoga studio, the studio focuses on the ansia practice and the culture insensitivity of only doing the one limb of yoga. The AC room blasts cool air at the visitor and references the 1,300 deaths per year due to extreme heat. The sliced tubs focus on the water crisis happening around the world and how water should be a right but is turning into a luxury item. The trash bin takes a look at fast furniture and the waste it is adding to the landfills. The next area highlights wellness apps, the display is set up with a green toilet to sit on in front of an artificial picture of nature juxtaposing the natural environment.space right next to it. The next section has scales staged so that one can walk through the different sizes and see what size fits them. The unhomed section shows a sofa that has been sliced through so no one is comfortable. It references the large population of people who are unhomed. The mirror room in the last sliced section of the building gives the viewers a different look at oneself. There are multiple, different mirrors all reflecting a different proportion. The cleaning supplies are hanging from the annex highlighting the eternal cycle of maintenance and how it is always hanging over one's head as a task to be done, along with the effects that our cleaning supplies have on the environment.

Starting from the east side of the building looking along the south wall, the weight scale and sliced sofas are displayed. The glass enclosed garden is directly across from the room of Mirrors. A white board runs along the south wall for visitors to race with each other on the rowing machines. The wood support beams slice through the space. The new wall heights can be seen distinctly in the back of the building as they cut through the roof line. The new entrance can be seen along the glass enclosure.

The new slicing roof lines are cutting through the exterior of the building. Everything within the space has been staged to create an experience. The glass walls within the space allow for clear vision lines across the building into different sections within. The light streaming in from the elevated roof brings in an open, airy element. Each staging area has multiple points of access allowing the occupant to choose their own way through the space.