The site I chose is Shanghai Bund. The buildings here are really unique because of the history background. During 1880s - 1940s, many English men, French have been lived here. They also brought western architecture style in. The buildings here look very different with others in China.

The architecure I chose is Waldorf Austoria Hotel. It is a western architectural style near a small garden. And there is a car park on the roof and a lot of green roofs around the site. Because it is located in the center of city, the traffic is always busy and many car flows concentrate here.

The drawing shows the pedestrian flows and car flows. What is the most interesting is that green area is surrounding the building. Many trees and green roofs develop the experience for the site. I also highlight the street view because their facades make a huge comparison between themselves and the buildings behind of them. Because they facades near the street are totally traditional western architecture. But many buildings behind of them are quite contemporary.
The map shows the history background behind of the building. It shows how the urban settings and buildings around the site are constructed step by step. It also shows how WAR II and political events influenced this site. Furthermore, there are some imformation about the traffic condition. It lists how far to get the airports and train station from the building.

I changed this site from a place for car flows into a place for pedestrian. Because it is always busy during the year. I tried to add some small shops, amusement park, christmas belts to establish a site for celebraty. I wish the foreigners who live here could have an opportunity to celebrate their own festival in China.