There is a 11’-8” X 13’-7” room. The reason why I chose mybedroom as the project to show the plan is that, it combines the place where I work, my privacy zones, and places withdifferent light conditions ... etc. This is a complex composition with variety elements. And the most interesting part is that spaces with different functions have different length and height. The desk with a computer and a potting is the place where I spend most of my time.As I work and draw paintings here. Along the window, there is a small table near my bed. I have a habit of keeping a dairy on my bed. I think it proves that my privacy space is my bed.

The elevation shows my room height is 10’-8”. The closet shows the details of my shirts, trousers, books and even perfumes. For me, it more looks like a “memory storage”. It keeps almost every step of my growth. I can see how I have been changed my dressing style from my childhood until now. And my interests on books are changing through obversing what kind of books that I kept. This recording of my growth attracts me to show it on the elevation.

I chose the smart door lock as the actor. What I focus on is the labour who participate in the process of making it launch and what they do during the process. From the manufacture until selling on the market, I tried to establish the connection between the labour and each factory or the company. 

This drawing is based on my bedroom plan. I mainly focus on the circulation, the furniture arrangement, the light condition and the relationship between these different elements.

The circulation tracks my growth. It represents how I move in my room from a child to a teen. I can see how my reading changed. For example, from Harry Potter to Ten books of Architecture. I even could see how my dressing style has been changed through my cabinet. It looks like my “memory storage”.

In relation to the 3D modeling, I tried to give different heights to each element. These layers represents their different meanings. The most important thing is that there is still a relationship between each elements. Such as, the light condition circle overlaps the circulation and it highlights my privacy space. It explained I often keep diary on my bed with a good light condition.

I used different heights to represent which part that I would like to highlight. For example, the space where I spent most time is my desk. Back to my model, the highest part is the area where my desk and the light condition overlap together. 

From the top view, we can see the lowest layer. It represents the area near my door. It is the part I concentrate less. Generally I am used to working around my desk and keep diary on my bed. It seems the door does not participate in my daily life except the moment I am going to get out or in.