The city I chose for this project is Tainan City, located in Taiwan. Tainan City is one of the most famous cities for its traditional food and preservation of cultural heritage, which attract many tourists to visit. The area circled in the image is one of the biggest tourist attractions, Tang Te-chang Memorial Park, and the place has the highest density of historic architecture. Also, the surrounding roundabout is one of the prime traffic junctions that link to the main roads in the city.

The building highlighted in the image is the Tainan City Fire Department Chung-Cheng Division plus Tainan City Fire Museum. It was built in 1938 when the Japanese occupied Taiwan, thus its style differs from most Taiwanese buildings. The most significant feature of the building is the fire watchtower and the overhangs across the building facades. There is also a courtyard in the middle of the building.

The oblique drawing shows information related to the block of the building. The yellow arrow lines display the circulations, the thick lines represent the circulations of cars and scooters within the area, and the thin lines indicate the pedestrian plus the entrances into the building. For the annotations, information related to the fire department is also included, such as the numbers of hydrants and reservoirs in the district. Moreover, the numbers on the building show the separated spaces for different purposes.
For the ANT map, I tried to focus on the different usages of the building in different eras. The white rectangles represent the actors that still exist in the present, and the yellow rectangles represent the actors that only existed in the Japanese occupation. Also, the line in the middle helps separate the two categories, and the circles indicate the factors that are related to these actors.

Since the main entrances of the building are all on the first floor, I wanted to create different types of ways to enter the building and produce new types of interactions. Therefore, I added a few skywalks that connected to the building, which is showed in the second image. Also, to create a comfortable distance to interact with the building, I decided to replace the road with a lawn for people to use. It also provides opportunities for the museum to hold outdoor activities. For the third picture, I tried to imagine how people will react to a performance at night. The lights are also on to provide illumination for various activities.