Chipotle, is an expanding fast-food burrito chain, founded in 1993 in Denver, Colorado. This Chipotle is built in Bloomington, Indiana on East 3rd Street and has been serving customers for the past decade. All of the Chipotle restaurants are built using most of the same materials (plywood, corrugated metal, stainless steel, exposed ductwork), but each store is unique in its own way. Interior has an “industrial look” to them and uses stainless steel abundantly. It is a small restaurant where the main door leads to the road and parking spaces. The roof is flat and made of corrugated metal, supported by trusses along with pipelines and stainless steel beams.

The interior of Chipolte incorporates sustainable architecture in their projects. The outer wall of chipotle is made up of used and recycled drywall and low vaso-occlusive crisis paint. Designs aim is to use materials that are considered hackneyed and cheap into thoughtfully designed spaces constructed with real materials, sustainable practices, and use those them to elevating the model. The stainless steel trusses run from north to south section of the space meanwhile the pipelines and beams running horizontally from east to west. The restaurant features stainless steel in the form of galvanized metals and woven wire to achieve a post-industrial look along with light wood frames and interior lights with steel and matte black plastic covers.

Knoll diagram exhibit the parts of the buildings including the plywood, corrugated metal, stainless steel (gray, blue, and black), copper, steel beams, asphalt floor, concrete dry walls, brushed aluminum, ceiling lights in plastic, and steel along with painted metal doors.

ANT map explores and researches an aspect from the two categories (Food stuff and Plant stuff) deeply.

Food stuff ANT map highlights the production cycle of poultry, specifically eggs, by researching the sustainability, health and economic effects. The first step in the process are the, Broiler breeder farms, which are operated by broiler hatching egg farmers, raise female (hens) and male (roosters) birds who are the parents of broiler chickens. These hens and roosters mate to produce fertilized eggs (not the same as the table eggs we eat), which are sold to broiler hatcheries for incubation. Then the technical part of processing and rendering plant occurs which are responsible for transforming healthy flocks by using well maintained equipements which are operated under the sanitary, food safety ans safe conditions which in turn produce poultry products which are checked for quality, food safety, animal welfare and economical value. Some byproducts of this process are sustainable fertilizer, biogas, biodiesel etc.The sustainable and hazardous parts of the poultry process of chickens and eggs are also highlighted in the ANT map.

The plant stuff focus on the four main families of plant family, their uses and the current situation of vegetation around the world. An intersection that was common in all the families of plants I researched were their medicinal uses which does take part in the economical aspect as well. Besides the medical uses, plants role in being utilized as contruction material, food, reducing soil erosion and decorative items, which were also researched in my ANT map. In todays time, when wildfire and deforestation issues are bigger than ever, there current impact and possible future problems it could create are also highlighted. The common ground for both the ANT maps are its efforts to be sustainable yet being hazardous in one way or another whether it is through animal abuse or deforestation, both caused by mankind.

I wanted to highlight the changed dynamic of my space, the meandering aspect and the temporal aspect. The first ovals represent the start of the gardening process since that is where the seeds and planters are placed for a quicker access. Second line, represents the stations which are used for the main task of planting. Third and fourth rectangle, highlight the little herb garden that can be used to plant the seeds and preserve the planters in. The fifth group of squares represent the kitchen area behind the divider wall where the meals are prepared and the 5 stations it consists of (2 sinks, 1 chopping section, a gas stove and a storage section for cutlery). The sixth area highlights the main table where prepped meals are stationed for grabs. Lastly, the seventh oval highlights the seating area where the meal is enjoyed. My main objective was to highlight the temporal aspect from planting the seed, growing the plant and nurturing it, garnering the fruit of the hardwork, expending effort to prepare a meal out of the grown produce and then consuming that prepared meal.

When one enters the space, to the left are stations with fertilizer and seeds on display to chose from. Next to the display is a tall vertical farming section which is attached to the trusses. Next to the vertical farming section are the works stations used for the main part of planting the seeds along with a harb garden on the side to be used as a medium for the seeds to be planted in. Next to the herb garden is the built in greenhouse used as a home for the potted plants to get nurtured in. Greenhouse stands next to the main dining table for the prepped meals. The parallax extends into the srea behind the divider which is the built in kitchen and a small storage space.

The section parallax gives a better look at the aesthetics of the interior and the color coordination. The mural added to the divider, which was a way to break the monochromatic gray the original model had, can be seen throughout. The trusses start at the north part of the space and extend to the end along with two different types of long hanging lights spread throughout the area. The trusses are used as a means to support growth of vines and agave succulents. Door to the storage room can be seen in the extreme end of the space.

My goal was to transform the plain and monochromatic space into a colorful, ornamental and alluring space all while keeping alot of the original building elements. The area is highlighted by heavy use of plants that grow produce used to produce meals like avocados, lemons etc. The area is aligned with a couple of simple coffee table and chair for two. The use of bright yellow gets broken down by the dark asphalt color of the floor and gray dry wall material of the wall. The trusses and beam provide a look into the viable use for a unconventional plaant growth along with the herb garden, greenhouse and vertical farming station.