My bedroom is situated in the second story of a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in the Old West Side neighborhood of Ann Arbor, Michigan. My room is a simple rectangular shape measuring at 8’9” wide and 15’6” long. In the back of the room there is a window overlooking 1st St at the front of the house. In the back right corner, there is a closet door. One would enter the space through a door and immediately find my platform bed. This forces you to take a right turn, entering the media area where you will find a TV, record player, books, and video games, as well as space for a loveseat that hasn’t been purchased yet.

The elevation of my room is positioned at the center of the room, facing towards the entrance door. This view contains my dresser, TV stand and TV, containing a record player, books, records, speakers, and a Nintendo NES system with a few games, a hamper and nightstand. These elements are a mixture of vintage and new furniture and technology, and what I use to unwind or to chill.
This Actor-Network Theory is a look into the popularity of records in the last couple of decades. Since around 2005, vinyl sales have skyrocketed. This ANT map tries to understand the reasoning behind this movement. I found a psychologist who specializes in the psychology of nostalgia, and argues that it is a very powerful emotion that can have quite an impact on the well being or happiness of an individual. I connect that with the satisfaction of owning a physical copy of media and the will to patronize smaller physical media stores that have been declining of late to try and understand the reason for vinyl record sales success.

This is an organizational diagram of my room. It has 5 elements portraying the flow of the room, the symmetry, zoning, and sunlight. The dashed line with arrows represents the the flow of the room. The dashed and dotted line represents the natural lighting of the room. The longer dashed line is the line of symmetry. The two boxes represent the two zones of the room: one for the sleeping area and one for the media chill zone area.

This is a gif showing a graphic derived from the lines of the organizational diagram. I dropped the floor plan, and reduced the lines to simple solid lines. From these lines, I altered the line thickness and dash patterns to give each line its own unique characteristic. At the end, there is a sort of abstract graphic that reflects the same information as the organizational diagram.

This is a top view of the 3d model created from the organizational diagram graphic, as each line was extruded in the 3d space and manipulated to create this structure. While keeping the language of the original diagram fairly intact, it was transformed to create enclosed space and to add complexity. The blocky structures located in the media zone of the room were rotated to form enclosures, and the thinner structures were either raised to create a ceiling structure or rotated to form a type of screen.

This section is created by a horizontal clipping plane moving in set intervals through the model. The section provides an opportunity to see into the space created by the 3d transformation. Once the section cuts through the ceiling like structure created by the symmetry line, it reveals two open areas: one in the sleeping zone of the room and one in the media zone.

This section is created by a vertical clipping plane, providing another view into the size of the space created by the 3d transformation. The clipping plane first cuts through the exterior that was formed through rotations to create enclosed space, opening up to the two open regions. This section allows for the chance to see the complex structures separating the two main regions.