This figure ground image captures the layout of Midtown Detroit, MI. This urban area is populated with commercial and residential buildings as well as part of a University campus. The roads are arranged in a standard grid layout creating an efficient space for navigation.

This aerial shot captures a block on Wayne State University’s campus in Midtown Detroit. The main building highlighted in the block is Old Main, Wayne State’s oldest building. Old Main is a three-story building with an open courtyard space. The building was designed by Malcomson & Higginbotham featuring Romanesque Revival architecture.

This paraline drawing showcases the key factors in the city block including the pedestrian walkways leading up to the entrance of Old Main, as well as green space surrounding the area. Two-way streets border all sides of the block as shown in the drawing.
The Actor-Network Map shown above traces the history and design of Old Main, as well as the history and current status of Midtown Detroit. As Old Main was originally built to be a high school, a deeper look is taken into the transition from high school to university, as well as how architecture affects education.

This set of images takes the street view of this block from daytime to nighttime, and features a set of activities in the setting. As the block is a part of a college campus, the activities are centered around student life in the fall. Students are pictured walking across campus and partaking in an art showing under a tent.