The project, serving as both a home and as an immigrant support facility, is comprised by 6 bedrooms distributed across two levels and shared programming throughout. Located along a primary circulatory route, large doors at either end of the building allow passers by to enter the building or remain outdoors as the pass accross the site. On the north-south axis, a finer grained, smal scale circlulation moves the building  inhabitants from the privacy of their bedrooms and into the public space. Also running along this axis is a series of skylights, which bring light into each room, crating dramatic lighting effects throughout. 

On the upper floor, inhabitants have direct bedroom access to the neighbor’s roof deck. Circulation on this level is facilitated by the neighborhood-owned ramp opposed to an independant staircas, thereby taking advantage of ppublic infrastructure and maximizing usable floor space. A roof deck to the south allows inhabitants to find varying degrees of privacy while tooking toward the street.

TIn elevation, the form of the building becomes evident. Comprised by a series of alternating panels, the building appears to be staggering--the walls tilt ever so slightly one way or the other. Using two different wall dpeths and surface treatments, it becomes difficult to dread which panel is contributing toward the stagger and which panel is resisting it. Filling the space between the tilted walls are a  series of strip windows which rap the entire building, turning into skyilights or floor openings at various moments. Resting atom the  building, the roof peaks out from behind some panels, hinting at the base position of the walls, while in other instances it remains completely hidden behind the  facade system.

From this view, one can see the level changes in the building. This creates a acave like passageway for the public sidewalk to continue through the site, while aso creating several terrace opportunites for outdoor living. Additionally, the large  windows and doors at each end of the  building, depicted here, establish the large scale paths of circulation and lighting. 

The long section showcases the system of shelving flanking both sides of the building’s core. These shelves, divided into the  Landing Zone nd Launch Zone, allow people to deposit their unused objects for others to pick up and reuse. Objects in the landing zone allow new immigrants to find all of the items they might need as they land in their new setting. Objects from the Lauch zone are items for the immigrants to take as the establish a more permanent residence elsewhere.

The short section helps describe the relationship of the interior spaces. The central core of the building connects the upper level to the lower level, allowing light to illuminate this central space from all four walls and the roof. 

This axonometric drawing highlights both the surrounding site and several key features of the building. Notably, the pivot doors are shown in three different positions: Murphy chair facing in, murphy chair facing out, and in the open position.

This grid is the  basic shape from which the building was derrived.

A slideshow gallery showing photographs of the physical model.