A door leads to a rectangular bedroom space. Upon entry, is a dresser (IKEA) with personal care products and a framed art print (La Borinqueña). Just past is a Queen-sized bed (IKEA) with a floor lamp and a laundry basket inbetween the bed and the dresser. Following the eyesight, a desk (IKEA) with a pull-out counter acts as a working space, gaming station, and night table, simultaneously. Adjacent to the desk is a bass amplifier (Hartke) and a double bookshelf (IKEA) packed with books and memorabilia. Finally, the closet space is shown with ample room to accomodate double bi-fold doors.

The double bookshelf (IKEA) has decorations at the top in the form of figurines (Funko), a spaceship (LEGO), and a small octoups plushie. Within the bookshelf are graphic novels and comic books (Marvel, DC, Image Comics, Boom!, Dark Horse, Magnetic Press), novels and books ranging from science to fantasy (Borders, Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, etc), personal letters, wands (Wizarding World), tarot cards (Trueblack), and dice sets (Gyld, Kraken Dice, Chessex). Besides the bookshelf is a bass amplifier (Hartke) and a whiteboard calendar (U Brands). On the desk (IKEA), sits a desk lamp (IKEA), a laptop (ASUS). a monitor (ASUS), and a gaming console with its controller (Xbox/Microsoft).

The Actor-Network map follows the actors and process involved in the manufacturing of Ikea’s “MALM desk with pull-out panel.” The map tracks the environmental impacts throughout the entire life-cycle. The logistics behind their supply chain allow Ikea to save costs on by sourcing sustainable materials, reducing shipping and storage costs my having the customer become the builder, and establishing a Code of Conduct to be followed by every supplier to ensure just costs and labor. Following the connections, Ikea has shifted to more environmentally-conscious decisions for their activities by heavily investing in renewable energy and establishing a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030. Additionally, indirect impact can be attributed to human resources and their employee treatment. With this in mind, Ikea has established a “People & Planted Positive” strategy plan for sustainability. 

The organizational diagram focuses on circulations, areas of interest, and zones of privacy. The first circulation line represents the most traversed area of the bedroom between the door and the desk chair. The second line of circulation is focused on the routine of movement from dresser to closet during times of clothing application. The initial area of interest highlights the space directly infront of the double bookshelf. The second area of interest demarks the average swivel movement of the desk chair. Finally, the zone of privacy encompasses the bed and its mattress for the positioning during evening resting. 

The graphic composition starts with five lines. The zone of privacy is a dashed line with ondulating thickness and a circle line ending representing the shape of a body at rest. One of the areas of interest is represented by a circular dashed line of increasing thickness showing the area where the chair experiences the most movement. The first line of circulation is an arching line of increasing and decreasing widths showing the breadth of space traversed while walking from the first triangle to the second, with the middle wedge being a halfway mark and hotspot when looking towards the other area of interest. The second area of interest is a line of very fine, yet wide dashed lines that envelops the perimeter when browsing through the entertainment section. The last line of circulation is shown as dots of increasing and decreasing diameters with the widest resting at the area of longest duration during the act of dressing.

Vectors from the graphic composition where extruded to three heights, 2’, 3’, and 5’. With one of the circulation lines turned at an angle at two points, the height is slightly morphed with tallest point on the left side and slowly decreasing as it moves towards the right. Although most activity happens at the bottom left corner, the more interesting shapes tend to the top and right corners. 

The bottom right corner is broken down step-by-step to show how the intersecting figures interact. Although most of the sections are thin rectangles, two figures do pop out: the oval sections formed from the angled pipes and the angled triangular boxes showcasing the direction of movement. 

Given the complexity of the intersections, this view allows for a more eye level understanding of how the space feels and is a the most accurate representation bringing attention to the simplicity of the sections that are in turn made more complex through intersections and interactions.