This figure ground graphic above features the location Grand Rapids Art Museum in the northwest area of Grand Rapids, MI located just east of the Grand River.
Few cities the size of Grand Rapids can match the depth of museum facilities. Downtown alone contains six museums situated within a few blocks of each other. The area holds a certain precendence on bringing together
dynamic exhibitions, collections, learning initiatives and community collaborations.

This aerial view northwest of Grand Rapids Art Museum(GRAM) depicts where Monroe Center St. NW, Monroe Ave. NW, and Louis St. NW converge.
The higlighted central location of the new GRAM building facilitates access by public transportation and bicycle. The building features a three-story stacked design that leaves the site's front section open for use as green space, blending the museum facility with the adjacent urban area, Rosa Park Circle “Ecliptic”.

This axonometric drawing shows key features of the city block of Monroe Center at heart of downtown Grand Rapids. The small dashed red lines surrounding the perimeter show the pedestrian usage and circulation through Rosa Park Circle. The larger dashed lines with arrows show the directionality of vehicular movement. The red circles located within the park showcase the urban epicenter of downtown Grand Rapids covering “Ecliptic” used for a mutlitude of events. The space has hosted festivals, art installations, political demonstrations, concerts, ice skating, dancing and passive recreation events for the residents of Grand Rapids.
This Actor-Network map traces the history behind the iconic Rosa Parks and why this park was renamed in her honor. Also featured, the urban park design efforts of Maya Lin with “Ecliptic” and Ed Dwight’s sculptural design of Rosa Parks. Maya Lin’s Ecliptic mimics the region water sources in three forms, in relation to the nearby Grand River and the resources of the Great Lakes. While Ed Dwight’s efforts share commemoration for Rosa Parks life work, depicting her in a promient forward stance, standing up for the equality and civil rights of others.

Along with the efforts of the Frey Foundation, Maya Lin, and Ed Dwight this speculative image depicts the seasonal transformation and performance of Rosa Park Circle “Ecliptic”. With it’s transformative experience one can gather why this urban phenomenon has become the heart of downtown Grand Rapids, MI embracing community gatherings and events year around.